Date of completion
December 2020
What has been done
Naming, logotype, branding, packaging, website
name & logo
01 – About Project
A delicious drink that supplements unbalanced meals with nutrients so that your child gets everything they need for healthy growth and development
02 – About Project
Le design laconique correspond au produit pharmaceutique et inspire confiance dans la marque
Le fond et les couleurs clairs soulignent le sérieux de la marque et le souci de la santé de votre enfant, et un accent lumineux fait ressortir le pot sur l'étagère
Couleur du capuchon
Met en évidence les canettes sur une étagère
03 – About Project
Structure and design
Designing a multi-page website for desktop and mobile versions, taking into account stylistics and design trends
Writing a unique text that will resonate in the hearts of customers and catch on from the first words, reflecting the essence
Layout and adaptation
Desktop and mobile layout on the Tilda platform with subsequent animation and SEO development
03 – About Project
Structure and design
Designing a multi-page website for desktop and mobile versions, taking into account stylistics and design trends
Writing a unique text that will resonate in the hearts of customers and catch on from the first words, reflecting the essence
Layout and adaptation
Desktop and mobile layout on the Tilda platform with subsequent animation and SEO development
03 – About Project
Structure and design
Designing a multi-page website for desktop and mobile versions, taking into account stylistics and design trends
Writing a unique text that will resonate in the hearts of customers and catch on from the first words, reflecting the essence
Layout and adaptation
Desktop and mobile layout on the Tilda platform with subsequent animation and SEO development
Safi Vegan. A source of benefit
Hotelline: all inclusiveend-to-endbusiness partner
Taboo Of The Seas. Luxury yacht
Pharmamil. Baby nutrition