Primalac MAMA

Dietary supplement for Pregnant and lactating women
Nutritious milk drink for pregnant and breast-feeding women. The balanced composition of Primalac Mama ensures that you and your baby get all the most important nutrients you need.

Contains 36 nutrients adjusting according to pregnant or lactating women needs
Vitamins C, D, E, Zinc & calcium
Vitamins A, C, B9, Zinc & Iron
Vitamins A, B2, B6 & B12
Vitamin B6
DHA, choline, taurine, vitamins C, B1, B3, B6, folates, iodine & iron
Vitamin A & inositol intake
Calcium, vitamin D & magnesium intake
-Better breast milk quality
•Affects directly the volume and composition of breast milk
-Good pregnancy progress
•Reduces the risk of toxemia of pregnancy
•Decreases the risk of preterm delivery
-Better health for the mother
•Avoid constipation
•Strengthens immunity
•Reduces nausea
-Optimal development of the fetus
•Stimulates brain and neurosensory development
•Promotes pulmonary maturation
•Strengthens bone and dental mineralization